scholarship is Ernst Mac[...]WHERE
scholarship is Ernst Mach Grant – ASEA-UNINET.WHERE
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The OeAD - Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation funds projects and mobilities, enabling researchers and students from across the globe to pursue their scientific endeavours and gain international experience.
The OeAD Map is a virtual map which displays registered projects funded by the OeAD and allows OeAD scholarship holders to present themselves in an international context. The OeAD Map allows you to look for OeAD scholarship holders and connect with alumni.
To give an example: In the year 2022 the OeAD welcomed almost 2,250 incoming students and researchers, facilitated approximately 28,080 mobilities of outgoing researchers and students, and was involved in approximately 1,300 projects.
Are you yourself a (former) OeAD scholarship holder?
Create your profile using your STIP-Online account and enable others to find you!
Please note: Currently, only projects of an international nature in higher education and carried out science 2019 and incoming scholarship holder (except Erasmus+) are represented. Due to data protection regulations, the map only shows profiles of individuals who have actively given their consent.
TThe data provided on this site is for information and planning purposes only. Absolutely no guarantee for the accuracy or completeness is implied or intended.
The project descriptions published on the OeAD Map are obtained directly from the original proposals and the OeAD.
Although the OeAD endeavours to ensure that all information provided is correct we do not accept any liability for the content (correctness, completeness, topicality).
Have you noticed an error or outdated information? Please let us know!
The OeAD has no influence on the content of external websites we may refer to, we do not identify ourselves with those and therefore do not accept any liability for them. Should you discover any links leading to dubious or illicit external websites, please send us an e-mail to website@oead.at, we will then remove any such links immediately.
The publication of excerpts of our website is generally permitted; an acknowledgement of the source must be included. This permission, however, does not apply to the reproduction of multimedia data (sound, pictures, programmes, ...) as these are subject to separate copyrights of third parties.
Transfer of the content of the OeAD site into your own frameset is not permitted. Direct access of our database via external websites is only permitted with the OeAD’s express permission. Otherwise, a link to the relevant page on our website must be created in order to access our database.
Please refer to the Privacy Policy located at the main page from the OeAD.
Please refer to the Accessibility Statement.
The map shows OeAD projects as well as project partners.
The map shows the institutions of OeAD alumni.
OeAD Map is built using various open source software. Without the support of these projects, we could not offer this service as we intended. Thank you for your contributions to the open source community and for being with us to see our vision.
TYPO3 CMS — the Professional, Flexible Enterprise Content Management System.
Leaflet - the leading open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps.
OpenStreetMap - a free, editable map of the whole world built by volunteers.
jQuery - the Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library.
Bootstrap - the world's most popular front-end component library.
Font Awesome - the iconic font and CSS toolkit.